crashnitrokartgamecube| Canaan Intelligent: It will actively develop the charging and energy storage industry in the future

作者:editor 分类:Finance 时间:2024-05-09 02:25:26 浏览:2


News summary

[Canaan Intelligence: We will actively develop the charging and energy storage industry in the future] Securities Times e Company NewscrashnitrokartgamecubeCanaan Intelligent said at a performance briefing on May 8 that the company will actively develop the charging and energy storage industry in the future, positioning itself to provide customers with high protection, high efficiency, long life and good experience.crashnitrokartgamecube...

Newsletter text

[Canaan Intelligence: We will actively develop the charging and energy storage industry in the future] Securities Times e Company News, Canaan Intelligent said at a performance briefing on May 8 that the company will actively develop the charging and energy storage industry in the future, positioning itself to provide customers with high protection and high efficiency., long-life and excellent experience intelligent ultra-fast charging equipment to meet the rapid growth, high-quality and ultra-fast charging needs of electric vehicles, focusing on expanding the charging and energy storage group customer market segments, timely, Participate in the electric vehicle charging operation service business under appropriate conditions, strengthen product manufacturing, and provide charging services well, so that the two businesses can promote each other and develop together, creating a new growth pole for the company's development.

crashnitrokartgamecube| Canaan Intelligent: It will actively develop the charging and energy storage industry in the future